About : KTU S1 & S3 2017 exam results publishing

watch_later Tuesday 14 March 2017

official message
Message from Pro vice chancellor, KTU
 Result will publish soon

Proof :
Message time : Today 5:20 PM

"Stay live with KTU live" for updated news

**Unofficial message**
Most probably result will publish on or after ---(Update soon)
Not confirmed yet officially about this

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We know about a fake news spreading on WhatsApp by some other KTU oriented website. Avoid such message , they only trying to increase their visitors and earn more money by viewing ads on that website

News from valuation camp :-

  • Valuation of all subjects completed
  • Maths valuation is started (Re-exam)
  • Some subjects valuation liberal
  • Double valuation

** Any one can write re exam of maths. but previous exam will cancel
9 or 7 marks allotted for all 2nd years in maths exam 

Published results/ Lab exam results
Check now !  ( To know please follow below steps )
  • Results of Labs / workshops we can know through analysing our lab internal mark
  • Grade vs mark:-
  • 100-90. :: O or S Grade
  • 85-89.   :: A+
  • 80-84.   :: A
  • 75-79.   :: B+
  • 70-74.   :: B
  • 65-69.    :: C
  • 45-64.    :: P
  • Upto 45 :: F

To check your lab/workshop grade login e-gov portal of KTU and open exam tab and download internal mark from "Eligibility" button

To login e-gov portal click below

The above results information not confirmed by KTU. It is un official news

sentiment_satisfied Emoticon